What does SCAF stand for?
SCAF is the acronym for Seed Capital Assistance Facility.
What does SCAF want to achieve?
SCAF’s vision is to increase the availability of investment for early-stage development of low-carbon projects in developing countries contributing to low-carbon sustainable development, economic growth, poverty reduction and climate change mitigation.
Who, as a partner, are we looking for?
SCAF adresses first-time equity fund managers and other equity investment entity managers as well as development companies active in the low-carbon sector in Southeast Asia and Sub Saharan Africa.
How long will SCAF be around?
SCAF just received new funding and is designed to run until 2026.
Who are the donors behind SCAF?
For SCAF phase II the donors are UK Aid and the German BMU.
Who manages SCAF?
SCAF is managed in a joint effort between UNEP and Frankfurt School.
Which countries or regions are supported?
SCAF’s regional focus is on Sub Saharan Africa and South-East Asia The Development Assistance Committee (DAC) list of Official Development Assistance (ODA) recipients is the foundation for SCAF eligibility. This list is published by the OECD annually and can be accessed here. SCAF funding can support activities in Least Developed Countries, Other Low-Income Countries and Lower-Middle Income Countries and Territories.
Which sectors are supported?
Renewable Energy Generation, Energy and Resource Efficiency, Renewable Energy and Energy/Resource Efficiency Supply Chains.
Which main criteria do partners need to fulfill, to be supported?
- More than 70% of investments in eligible countries and sectors
- Novel strategy, business model or geography
- Potential for replication and scalability in order to be commercially viable
- Sufficient ESG-safeguards in place (company ESMS, ESIA according to IFC standards on project level, etc.).
I already receive other donor funding. Can I still apply?
Yes, but the SCAF Agent will ensure that no over-subsidization takes place and donor money is not matched with donor money.
Does SCAF support stand-alone projects?
SCAF cannot support stand-alone projects, but rather tries to enable the partnering company to grow and expand the business into frontier markets while relying on a substantial pipeline of projects that justifies long-term support.
What kind of support does SCAF offer?
SCAF offers conditional and non-conditional, non-interest-bearing grants to co-finance fund, pipeline and project development.
What are the different support lines for?
- Support Line 0 – Fund development
- Support Line 1 – Pipeline development
- Support Line 2 – Project development
SL1 and SL2 are provided under a single Cooperating Partner Agreement and not as stand-alone.
How much co-funding/support does SCAF offer?
SL0 is limited to USD 500,000. SL1&2 are limited to a maximum of USD 2,500,000 (with a 30%/70% split).
What type of expenses can be covered?
Everything related to fund raising, pipeline development and project development (travel, legal costs, permits, structuring costs, studies, ESG related costs, etc.)
Can I apply for all three support lines?
Yes, but not in parallel and rather in two separate application processes where each will be judged on their standalone merits.
Can I apply only for support Line 1?
No, SL1 and SL2 are done in conjunction, typically on a 30%/70% split in terms of funding volume.
What are the financial requirements that need to be met in order to recieve SCAF co-funding?
Proof of matching funds whereas every SCAF co-financed dollar must be matched by one dollar coming from the partner. Other donor funding is excluded from qualifying as matching.
Do I have to pay back the received support?
Yes, SL0 and SL2 are conditional grants. SL0 is to be reimbursed at financial close of the fund. SL2 is to be reimbursed when the supported project reaches financial close. For SL1 there is no need to reimburse received co-funding.
How do I get in contact, if I qualify for SCAF support?
If you are eligible, please contact us via info@scaf-energy.org.
When can I apply for SCAF support?
Anytime. There are no specific deadlines or cut-off dates other than when the available budgets are fully committed.
How long does the application process take from first introduction to the signing of an agreement?
The entire application process usually takes around six months.
What are the partners obligations during the contracting phase?
Reporting on overall partner progress, compliance with SCAF’s goals and targets and proof of usage of SCAF funds for eligible activities on a quarterly basis.
In which language can proposals be submitted?
SCAF accepts proposals in English language only.
Unhappy with SCAF?
Please direct all complaints to complaints@scaf-energy.org